The remainder of section 32 in the SWCPA handbook
11.6 km along the coast, 8.6 km by bus and 2.1 km inland
Generally, we have avoided the busy summer holidays, but this summer in England has been wet and windy, and we are going away in September, so we decided to continue our walk in August. We are staying at a small campsite on the edge of Marazion and since the next couple of walks are rather linear, decided to take the bus to Praa Sands.
We got off the bus a little early and then walked down to Praa Sands, past the private Pendersick castle.
AS the weather was still fairly dull, the sands were less busy than when we came in July, but there were still serious surfers about.

The Coastal path has a steady rise after the Sands and follows the top of a cliff for a while on until we reached Kenneggy Sands and Kings Cove where there is an impressive house, now turned into holiday apartments.
We stopped at the next cove, Bessy’s cove for lunch and then rejoined the path, despite a lack of signposting, continued to Perranuthoe, where we stopped for an Ice cream.

From here we had a good view of St Micheal’s mount, occasionally in the sunshine, and or destination of Marazion. Just as we were approaching, we had to follow a diversion, due to unstable cliffs, which took us on a rather steeper footpath to join the main road. The path follows the main road through the village, now crowded with visitors, now heading back from St Micheals Mount.