About half of section 28 in the SWCPA handbook
9.9km along the coast and 4.6 walking km inland and 8.3km by bus from St Just to Sennen
The weather forecast was for rain early then cloudy and getting more windy, so we didn’t hurry to start from Sennen Cove, and it was dull as we started across Whitesand Bay, first across the sand and then across some rocks before joining the Coastal Path at the North end of the bay.

At first there was a gentle incline, but it got a little steeper in places and we had to clamber over or around rocks. The weather improved with sun for most of the rest of the day but a cool wind. In contrast to yesterday around Lands end the path was almost deserted until we reached a small National Trust car-park at Port Navan. The views are quite spectacular to Cape Cornwall and back to Sennen.

Having walked a little way up the road at Port Navan, we rejoined the cliff path before meeting a road and track to descend to Cape Cornwall. There is a great view of a couple of houses that make up Cape Cornwall and we were glad of a little shelter from the now North West wind to stop for a sandwich for lunch.

We walked to the top of the hill at the Cape and then descended before walking into the pretty village of St Just to catch a bus most of the way back to Sennen village and walked back down to the Cove.