With the new tiers that came into force on Boxing day, we are stuck where we live in the New Forest. To the East is Southampton and the rest of Hampshire, which is in Tier 4, so we can’t go there, and probably wouldn’t want to at present.
To the East, Dorset remains in Tier 2, so we are not allowed to go there – so we are stuck in the New Forest for the moment. Not a bad place to be stuck, but not useful for our Coastal Walk. We have already completed the part from home to the Dorset boundary at Chewton Bunny, which is not very far.
The remainder of the New Forest Coast to our East, has poor access for walkers, due to historic land-ownership and environmental designations, some of which have resulted from the lack of access and hence disturbance. This may change a little with the English Coastal Path but I think only marginally.
So unfortunately we are unable to progress until the Covid19 restrictions begin to be eased – it would be nice to think this could happen soon – but I think it is likely to be Easter before the effect of the vaccine allows significant easing of the restrictions.